Innovative Technology in Rehab
The Alter-G anti-gravity treadmill uses “unweighting” technology to allow patients to walk at a portion of their full weight. Patients can walk in the Alter-G at up to just 20% of their full body weight.
Who should use the Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill?
This rehab technology is ideal for patients who can’t usually walk normally due to chronic pain, as it allows them to walk with a normal gait pattern, strengthen muscles, and increase endurance. The Alter-G Anti-Gravity Treadmill is also ideal for post-injury or post-surgical patients, as it allows patients to walk or run normally at a percentage of their weight as they rehabilitate from the injury or surgery.
-The Alter-G uses NASA air pressure technology to “lift” the patient, allowing them to walk or run without pain. From geriatric patients to young athletes – the Alter-G can be a key factor in the recovery of patients.
Learn more about how Southern Rehab uses this innovative technology as part of our patients’ rehabilitation plans here!